
The Pacific and the matrix

4.27.22 On the plane to Panama.  The latest Matrix movie is playing on my screen. Planes usually put me in a pensive mood, perhaps it’s a bit of the overview effect of looking out the window that astronauts speak of when seeing the Earth from space. The overview effect combined with the mind-bending nature of

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Space People

In March, I had the pleasure of working a NOLS course with NASA astronauts and flight directors. (NASA has been sending astronauts to NOLS for decades, after finding that the expedition behavior necessary for a successful mission is exactly the same as what’s necessary for a successful wilderness expedition.) The small group of NASA people

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Underway At Last!

DAY 49 on the ship.  (DAY 6 underway) Where to begin, I’m not sure, but here goes: On DAY 43, we finally left the dock to head south.  So amazing it was to see the ship finally separate for the dock knowing it was because we were heading south. It was a very happy moment. 

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It’s been 33 days, 4 hours and 54 minutes since I’ve been onboard the Nathaniel B. Palmer in Punta Arenas, Chile.  I built a little mission-elapsed-time because that’s one way space missions kept track of time.  And it’s a way to keep track of which expedition day it is for my journal.  It’s also helpful

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Hotel Quarantine

I’m currently on Day 3 days into a 3.5 day quarantine before heading to Chile Saturday morning. Initially the thought of twiddling my thumbs in a hotel room for 3 full days was not that exciting, but I find now, that I actually wish we had another day. We have a few zoom meetings each

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Week One On The Water

On one of the first few days, still with a work hangover from all the details that had to be taken care of to get Daphne in the water and everything else in my life relatively squared away, I woke up and looked up out of the aft cabin hatch, while still lying down and

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After two summers of electrical engineering graduate school and then one crazy summer of COVID-19, I finally got Daphne back in the water again. She has been patiently waiting for 4 years and we are back together again floating in the sea, where we are supposed to be. The launch date was a deadline and

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