Once again, I’m on my way to Antarctica. Currently in New Zealand for some helicopter training (practicing on how to enter and exit a hovering helicopter – quite fun) and soon into the mountains to train on Search and Rescue with the New Zealand field team. None of this training was available to us last year, so we’re all quite happy to be kicking off the season well.
While waiting for my bags once I landed in New Zealand a few days ago, I joined the airport wireless, and with that, came a text/message I have long wanted to receive: It was one of my astronaut application references and they had received an email from NASA regarding my application. I just started laughing out loud, and said, “Oh my God…” in amazement. NASA is interested in my application and want to know more about me…is this really happening?!
There were over 8,000 applicants this time around for 8-12 spots and to have your references checked apparently means I’m in the top 500 or so. After reference checks, they cut it down to 120 to interview. Tough odds and stiff competition, but amazing to think I’ve made it farther than more than 7,000 other applicants. I’m now in the “Highly Qualified” pile. After zero feedback my last two applications, it’s nice to know I’ve made it past start.
I know five other friends who have also had their references checked, most of them fellow Antarcticans plus one other NOLSie. It is a fantastic group and I am cheering for all of them. If I don’t make it any further, I really hope one of these folks do! Lots of messages shared back and forth about it all! An exciting time.
Interviews are scheduled for October – December, so it won’t be too long before I find out if I advance or not. That’s all for now!

Yes Ben. Congratulations for getting this far. You never cease to amaze me. Love following your journey. Keep safe and keep in touch. Janet😊👏🏻
Thank you, Janet!!
Ben: If only they’d give you an interview, you’d be on your way. Good luck. Ned
Mighty impressive! We are rooting for you, big time! Ted & Kathy
Yes, Benny!! So proud of you!!
And we are rooting for you from here! One small step. xo Virginia and AJ